Wednesday, March 28, 2007


One of the biggest challenges facing the Township in 2007 is maintaining the 180 lane miles of Township roads and storm drainage systems. Due to the narrow defeat of the Road Levy, which was on the ballot this past November, the annual resurfacing budget will not keep pace with the growing list of streets in need of repair. In fact, the current annual levy revenue puts Townships streets on a 40-45 year repaving cycle. The goal is for a cycle of about 20 years between a full-depth street resurfacing.

As explained in more detail in the 2007 Budget information contained in this edition of the Newsletter, the vast majority of Township revenue does not increase with the rate of inflation or property value increases, because State law prohibits it. Therefore, the current 1 Mill Road District levy (known as outside millage), currently generates nearly the same amount of revenue as it did when it was passed in 1997. Yet, despite the fact that revenue has remained nearly constant, the costs associated with road resurfacing has nearly tripled over the past ten years.

Throughout the process of finalizing the 2007 Budget, the Board and Staff discussed various options regarding road resurfacing for the coming year. After evaluating the revenues derived from the current levy and the need to minimize the impact to the Township’s General Fund, which is used to fund many other essential services provided by the Township, it was clear that the issue should be once again presented to the electorate. Therefore, the Board has decided to place the 1 Mill Replacement and 1 1⁄2 Mill Increase Road Issue on the May 8 ballot.

Public meetings regarding this issue will be scheduled over the next few months leading up the election date. Please contact Township Administrator Michael Hinnenkamp at 522-1410 if you have questions or need more information about this critical issue for the short and long term future of the Township. You may also visit the Township’s web site at for the latest on Road Levy information.

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