Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Decorating Flower Boxes for the Winter

Thanks to Marty and Chuck for decorating one of the flower boxes on View Place and to the rest of neighbors who decorated their mailboxes with bows and greenery! The lights and decorations make our neighborhood look good!

Lori's recommendation is to get evergreen cuttings and a few red bows to create a natural outdoor floral arrangement.

Let us know who else can contribute. Thanks again, Marty & Chuck!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Welcome December Members!

Richard and Emogene, John and Sarah, Chris & Betty Jo and Family, Renee, Susan and Randy, Peggy and Eugene, Sharon and Donald

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

View Place Front Door Design

Here's a first draft offered at our last neighborhood meeting. Give Donna a call or write us if you have any suggestions or comments. There have been many offers from our neighbors who will lend us their expertise in developing a new look for our neighborhood. If you have any comments or suggestions, please forward them on as well. For those of you not yet on our e-directory, please identify yourself by street name. We cannot accept or respond to anonymous e-mails.

VPCA Secretary's Report on Neighborhood Meeting Summary

View Place Drive • North Bend Road • Wellesley Drive • Georgetown Court
Ipswich Drive • Commonwealth Drive • Beechtree Drive • Shelley Lane
Blossomhill Drive • Pinebrook Court • Keats Lane • Deanview Drive • Brucehills Drive

General Meeting
President Donna Saul called a general meeting of the neighborhood to order at the Covenent Apostolic Church on Monday, November 14, 2005, at 7:40 p.m.. She led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Officer Elections
Donna introduced officers who have been elected. The following were elected at the previous reorganizational meeting.
President—Donna Saul
Treasurer—Jeff Dean
Secretary—Sue Hummer
Two other officers, Civic Vice-president and Social Vice-president, were not elected then because nominees were not at the reorganizational meeting to consent. A vote was taken by mail and on-line. Christa Criddle has withdrawn her name as a nominee for both positions and agreed to be a communication director including editing a Grapevine newsletter. Electees for the other offices are:
Civic Vice-President—Bill Merusi
Social Vice-President—Katie Garrett
"Street captains" have volunteered for most streets. Needed are front section of View Place, Keats, and part of Beechtree.
Donna also reported that she attended the recent Springfield Township Trustees meeting to update them on the status of the VPCA and expressing our concerns on safety and the Kendall landfill on North Bend.
Jeff Dean reported a bank balance of $902 + $180 in dues not yet deposited. Dues of $10/household are currently being collected.
Safety Issues
Some safety issues had been brought up at the previous meeting: parking which requires drivers to drive on the opposite side of the street where the view of oncoming cars is obstructed; speeding, particularly on View Place; and running the stop signs at View Place & Wellesley and View Place & Beechtree in particular.
Opinions on suggestions of speed bumps, reducing the speed limit, no parking on some hills were gathered via website and Grapevine returns, and center lines to make drivers more aware they are driving on wrong side of street.. Donna reported mixed responses from survey. Those against the "no parking" were those that lived on the hills and who would be inconvenienced by the "no parking" restriction. There was also a very mixed response to the idea of speed bumps.
Police Chief Dave Heimpold and Sgt. Clayton Smith were present to address these issues. The Chief will place the Township’s speed monitor sign on View Place in the near future to remind drivers of their speed and will also take a traffic count at the same time. They will periodically monitor the stop sign to issue warnings/tickets if called for Speed bumps are not an option because of snow plowing, street maintenance. Center lines would be a good idea. Discussion followed that the visual reminders of speed and stopping and VPCA publicity can both be a deterrent. Publicity could include:
1) It costs $104 for a moving violation ticket.
2) If the police issue any warnings/tickets for speed or not stopping, we could make that known as a reminder to other drivers.
Other discussion: View Place is a "county road" and speed is set by county guidelines. Christa Criddle agreed to contact the County Engineer to find out about those guidelines.
The Chief also suggested that a general meeting topic be "Neighborhood Watch."
Sue Hummer reported finding copies of previous association bylaws dated from 1977. She has volunteered to write a basic set of Bylaws for operation of the association; they would cover purposes, officers and elections, and membership. Discussion followed about whether membership and dues collection should be by household or by individual member: Some households could have multiple adult voters while others might have only a single adult. Should only the "heads of household" be allowed to vote? Is it more fair to allow each property a single vote? There was no clear consensus. A survey will be taken on the website to help in drafting the bylaws.
There is concern about the appearance of the entrance to the neighborhood and the old sign board . Resident Lori Lang had volunteered to suggest some ideas. She shared two pictures (attached). One is a planter box with "View Place" lettering that she suggested to replace the flower box at View Place and North Bend. The other picture is a replacement sign board with a bench for View Place and Wellesley. The planter box would cost about $200 with volunteer labor and would be constructed of treated wood. The sign board would be similar to existing one except larger with better shelter; Lori suggested this for the same location except parallel to the road to make it easier to use and not be in the drainage ditch. Estimated cost would be at least $500. Lori did not have a suggestion about what to do with flower boxes that are deteriorating.
Lori will talk to St. Xavier H.S. to see how they would feel about an entrance sign/planter placed on their property. Additionally, the sign board is on the road right-of-way and might require County approval; Lori will also check into this.
Some discussion followed: The planter cannot obstruct the line of sight down North Bend. Perhaps we don’t want to invite "robbery" by calling attention to the fact that we are a nice neighborhood. Maybe a better placement for sign would be on NE corner of Wellesley to obscure the ugly phonebox. Since the VPCA does not have much money to invest, we could set up a separate fund to take donations expressly for this purpose. The scale of the planter box would not fit the location with the wide expanse of St. X’s front lawn.
There are no decisions on any of this. Pictures will be posted on website for comment.
Christa Criddle passed out a draft Grapevine newsletter which invites news for future issues, shares names of neighborhood "street captains," and asks for household information for an updated neighborhood directory.
Kendall LandfillJeff Dean reported about a recent meeting with Springfield Township Administrator Mike Hinnenkamp regarding the Kendall landfill. Attendees were Bill Merusi, Donna Saul, Sue Hummer, and Jeff. Discussion was on neighborhood concerns and the multiple jurisdications who deal with these concerns:
The landowner may accept "clean fill" by obtaining a County Department of Health permit which has been done that indicates fill will continue through December, 2006. The Department has no enforcement duty however.
The County Soil and Water Conservation District requires the sediment basin to prevent overflow drainage from leaving the property and such things as seeding the dig areas not in use. They have enforcement duties but not much manpower to do this.
The stream through the property is on the Army Corps of Engineers maps; it flows into the Mill Creek. Any disruption of the stream should require a permit from them and they have a long backlog.
Springfield Township only has zoning authority over the property. If the Kendals would want to build on the land in the future, they would need to apply for a zoning certificate. The Township concurs with the neighborhood that the zoning should remain R-1.
If the Kendalls would want to build on the land, they would also need building permits from the County. Hepefully, the County would require proof that the fill land is stable before issuing any permits.
None of these entities formally communicate about such a project. However, the Township is willing to help us communicate with them about concerns and can monitor the situation by sending a Township car to observe periodically. Because neighborhood residents are in the best situation to monitor the site, we need to continue to do that and report any concerns. Comments should be funneled to either Jeff Dean or Bill Merusi who can follow up with the Township.
The street light at the corner of Wellesley & View Place has been out. Cinergy is responsible and will be called.
When the County recently repaved View Place, the stormwater grates at Beechtree and at Wellesey were both installed above the drainage level. Christa Criddle will follow up with the County Engineer on those drainage questions.
AdjournmentDonna stated VPCA goals of 4 general meetings per year and 4 Grapevines per year.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:15 p.m.
Sue Hummer

Monday, November 14, 2005

Street Captains Assigned - More are needed for Commonwealth, View Place, Wellesley, Keats, and Beechtree!

We'll have a meeting soon to organize the information already collected from our neighbors.

Beechtree - David or Judith at 468 Beechtree, Jeff or Lisa at 565 Beechtree (thank you!!!)

Blossomhill - Jim or Ruth at 502 Blossomhill, Barbara at 542 Blossomhill, Sondra or Bill at 562 Blossomhill (thank you!!)

Brucehills - Patricia or Tom at 452 Brucehills and Peg or Chuck at 447 (thanks!!!!)

Christmas Lane & Colorama - Mary Noel at 566 and Janice or Mike at 524

Commonwealth - Elisabeth at 7369, Christa at 7368 (thanks!!!)

Deanview - Donna at 491, Fred at 490, and Natalie at 411 (thanks!!!)

Georgetown - Mark or Barb at 7280 (thanks!!)

Ipswich - Cathy (thanks!!)

Pinebrook - Fran at 7440 (thanks!!!)

View Place - Lynette at 7491, David at 7742, and Lori or Andy at 7621 (thanks!!)

Wellesley - Steven or Karen at 499, James and Marianne at 558 (thanks!)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

For All You Naturalists in View Place

On Monday, Nov. 21st, Mark Shieldcastle will present " Wind Power Development and Bird Conservation, Are They Compatible" at the Audubon Society of Ohio meeting at Winton Center at 7:30PM. We are delighted to get Mark here from his duties as a wildlife biologist for the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources. Mark is also the Bald Eagle coordinator for the state of Ohio and Director of Research for the Black Swamp Bird Observatory at Oak Harbor, OH (nest to Magee Marsh). Mark is an excellent speaker and extremely knowledgeable about the birds of Ohio.

Winton Center is located in Winton Woods County Park, just west of the stop light on Winton Road just north of Winton Lake. Hope to see you there, Allan Beach

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Update from November Trustees Meeting 11/7/05

After submitting our survey results from neighborhood concerns in general, VPCA officers were invited to meet with township representatives. A summary of this meeting will be shared with the neighborhood at our upcoming meeting.

Senior Citizen-age neighbors should keep in touch with the township's Director of the Senior Center; she's applying for grants to get a bus to provide transportation to and from the Center. She also received about $3,800.oo in grant monies for classes for Seniors so don't forget to read the township newletters to get updates or give her a call at 522-1154.

Dec. 15th Eye Screening by appointment only: Call 522-1154 to schedule an appointment

"Code Red: is a phone calling system that notifies Springfield Township residents in the event of an emergeny through the phone but cannot be implemented because it is part of next years budget spending... not this year. So look for this later in 2006.

Leaf Pick Up on Tues./Thurs. ends Dec. 8th and this is the last week for "brush-pick" until April; call the Township at 522 -1410 if you have questions.

One of our neighbors representing the STAR/SAY Soccer Clubs reported how much this soccer club contributes to the overall revenue stream in the community and encouraged township officials to consider newer/expanded facitilities for all sports recreation to take advantage of this additional "income." STAR/Soccer clubs served over 1,000 township families and this does not include "opponent" families who come to the township for games/tournements.

It was also mentioned that when practice fields for any sport are taken away due to development a replacement area should be given first consideration. The example was given about how the township's new administration office/firestation building on Winton Road reduced the size of practice fields at the Grove offering no replacement. Another example given was the Service Department building eliminating the small baseball fields that used to be in Wellspring Park. Again, no replacements.

The long-term history is that the township does not replace fields that have been eliminated for various reasons unless someone donates one. As a township we need to provide facilities that interest young families if we want to attract them here.

Write me at for your comments or feedback. Remember to identify yourself by last name and street name in the subject box for security measures.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Welcome View Place Neighbors (Renewed November)

David & Roxanne, Natalie, Elaine &Barry, Aaron & Katie, Tom & Alesia, Steve & Karen, Howard & Judy, John & Sally, Edward & Gwendolyn, Roger & Jeanne, Yvonne, Betty Jo, David & Heather, Frank & Babette, Kenneth & Joan, David & Hester

Monday, October 24, 2005

VPCA MEETING - Nov. 14th, Covenant Church at 7:30 p.m.

The VPCA Meeting will be on MONDAY November 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Covenant Church instead of our original plan on October 27th.

There are over 271 View Place Residents and 81 households have participated in our election and survey. We will extend our deadline to complete the survey and/or participate in our neighborhood election to Nov. 5TH.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Hello View Place Neighbors! (October)

Welcome our New/Old VPCA Members (Dues paid for 2006)

Sue & Dan, Donna & Mike, Jan & Ron, Lisa & Jeff,
Allan & Anita, Greg & Donalyn, Janet, Ruth, Robert & Sylvia, Sondra & Bill, David & Judith, David & Beth & Emmett, Mr. & Mrs. Bill O., Andy & Lori, Janet H., Sophie & Frank, Drs. Matt & Mary, Drs. Eva & Robert, Jesse & Bette, Mary Ann, George & Barbara, John & Helen, Jack & Rose, Fran & Chris & Family, Fred & Donna, Brandon & Christa, Annie & Dennis, Elena & Family, Jim & Ruth, Charles & Lois & Joseph, Florence, Rhonda, Richard & Sally, Cotton & Buck, Gilbert & Phyllis, Mario & Maria, Don & Consuelo, Charles & Mary, Mike &Brenda, Peg & Jim, Helen, Bob & Janet, George & Jeannette, George & Louise, Lynette & Jeff, Jim & Elaine, Jeannette, Chuck & Marty, Tom & Donna, Jim & Marianne, David & Roxanne, Betsy, Cathy & Family, Fred, May Noel, Larry, Tom & Patricia, Susan & Bill, Tom & Debby, Chuck & Peggy, Mike & Gina, Bob & Pat, Mike & Janice, Jack & Joan, Jan & Ann, Mary & Eldon, Louis & Zelda, Richard & Nancy, Stephen, Frederick & Mary, Lois & Ozie, D. Jean

2005 Information Sheet and Results (Received from 85 addresses)

At our last View Place Civic Association (VPCA) neighborhood meeting held at Covenant Apostolic Church in September, there were several concerns and opinions shared by those in attendance:

Kendall Family “landfill” located on Northbend Road
No Parking Signs missing on Wellesley
Drivers continuing to disobey stop signs and speed limit
Electing new officers for VPCA
Updating neighborhood directory
Establishing a Walking Group for fun and health
Establishing Street Captains
Collecting dues for VPCA
Loud Music from passing cars
Streets used as one way due to parked cars on street

At this meeting with over 65 people in attendance, Sue Hummer was elected as Secretary; Jeff Dean was elected into the Treasurer position, and Donna Saul was elected as President.

However, before we move forward, we still need to elect a Civic VP and Social VP:


CIVIC VP (Please check one) :

__25__ Christa Criddle or _39_ Bill Merusi

SOCIAL VP (Please check one:)

__30__ Katie Garrett or __28_ Christa Criddle

1 Request for Christa be editor for the Grapevine Newsletter

TIME TO UPDATE THE VPCA DIRECTORY FOR 2006: (Please check those that apply)

____ My residence info for ___________________________ has not changed since 2001

____ Please make the following revisions before publishing the new 2006 VPCA Directory

Children and age in 2006:
Phone: E-mail:
List any resource you can provide to the neighborhood?
(Example: babysitting, animal sitting, yard work)

_______ I can be a street captain for my street by distributing newsletters or helping out
_______ I am interested in starting a walking group for fun and health
_______ I would prefer to be contacted through my e-address
_______ I do not have a computer so keep me updated by memo-board and newsletter

A major benefit to the VPCA membership is keeping informed by sharing information with your neighbors through our new website, e-mail, and upcoming newsletters. Also, it makes it easier when we’re all connected even though we may not share the same view point, we share the same neighborhood. The $10.00 VPCA dues will be used for the newsletter and other neighborhood related projects like sprucing up the front entrance and repairing/replacing flower boxes.

A report of expenses will be announced at each meeting and appear on our web-site. Please remit this Form and VPCA dues of $10.00 payable by check to VPCA, c/o Donna on 491 Deanview Drive, Springfield Township, OH 45224.



If you are a member of the View Place Civic Association either past or present, please let us know whether you oppose or support the following concerns AND opinions brought to the meeting held in September 2005. Keep in mind it is only a summary of the information shared at the meeting and does not neccessarily reflect the opinion or interest of individual VPCA officers and/or its membership as a whole.

The following information will be put into a statistical format and submitted to the Springfield Township before Springfield Township elections take place. Results will be posted on our web-site and upcoming newsletter (if we get enough membership dues):

1) The VPCA seeks the Township's help in ensuring that the fill operations on the Kendall property on North Bend Road adhere to existing regulations, including dust control and seeding and mulching the area over the winter. This is to ensure that neighboring properties do not experience dust, noise, and other nuisances during project operations. The VPCA also seeks the Township's help in ensuring that the sedimentation basin is cleaned out periodically to ensure that sediments do not leave the site and enter the watershed. This is also in accordance with existing regulations.
____ I oppose (check one) __85__ I support

2) Township officials have indicated (by recent telephone conversation) that they intend to keep the Kendall property's existing zoning the same. The existing zoning is R-1. The VPCA strongly supports the R-1 zoning for this property.
____ I oppose (check one) __85__ I support

3) We request Springfield Township to notify VPCA if requests for zoning changes or zoning permits are made by adjoining property owners with large parcels of unused land.
____ I oppose (check one) __85__ I support

Speed humps or bumps should be placed at the corner of Wellesley and View Place to force people to use the stop signs located there.
__30__ I oppose (check one) _ 46__ I support

Speed humps or bumps should be placed at the corner of View Place and Keats to force people to use the stop signs located there.
__33__ I oppose (check one) _47__ I support

In- ground street reflectors are needed for ascending and descending traffic at hills on Beechtree, Wellesley and corner of Deanview Drive and Keats for night safety purposes
__29_ I oppose (check one) __48__ I support

Center lines be added to View Place streets to keep drivers from using the road as "one way."
__15_ I oppose (check one) __59_ I support

“No Parking” signs be added on hills to prevent visual obstructions due to parked cars.
__12_ I oppose (check one) __65__ I support

“Loud Noise” prohibited sign be posted at _________________________ location.
_17__ I oppose (check one) __58_ I support

The front entrance with signboard and boxes be replaced/repaired with money collected from membership dues.
_1__ I oppose (check one) __84_ I support

1 observation that people do not stop at stop signs on Sunday morning.
1 request to get rid of the flower boxes because they look "bad half the time."
1 strong opposition about "no parking" on hills from a family living at one major incline.
1 request to add ordinance for people to use "doggy do scoopers"
1 request to ask township to conduct "stop" study at intersections for neighborhood
1 request to liming posts at Memo Board to those with large print
1 request to put in a"jogging path" for St. X/neighborhood walkers & split the cost with St. X
1 request to move "Deaf Child" sign on Wellesley
1 comment "we don't have enough parking on the streets as is"
1 question "who will coordinate flower boxes?"
1 questions who will determine "not putting out garbage before ___ and putting away garbage cans by ___?"

Neighbors are encouraged to copy this newsletter and paste it in their outgoing mail so it can be submitted to This will save us a lot of time and money.


COAT DRIVE : Oct. 17 through Nov. 27 - Drop off at Fire Station

PUBLIC HEARING: October 18 & 19 at 6:00 p.m. (Aggregation Hearings) The Board of Trustees is conducting this public hearing to give residents the opportunity to ask any questions they may have or gain a better understanding of the Energy Aggregation Program. In a nutshell, nothing much is changing except that by voting "yes" on the ballot, you're giving the Trustees the go ahead to solicit bids for gas and electric at lower costs. Cinergy will continue being the service provider but the Township will be permitted to buy gas and electric at cost savings to us. Either way, we will still have a choice.

VPCA MEETING: Tenative Oct. 27 - 7:30 p.m. location TBA

HALLOWEEN TRICK OR TREATING: Oct. 31 - 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

FLU SHOTS for Seniors 65 & UP: Nov. 2, 10:00 a.m. to noon (call Springfield Twp. Senior Center at 522-1154)

HEALTH SCREENING: Dec 8 - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (call 1-800-897-9177 to schedule - small fee)

Monday, October 10, 2005

Posted by our Neighbor:

By Allan Beach, Zoo Volunteer and Audubon Chapter Board Member
Monday Oct. 17, 2005, 7:30PM
Winton Visitors Center at Winton Woods
County Park, Admission Free

Winton Visitors Center is west of the traffic light on Winton Road north of the lake

Web site:
Click on "Calendar of Events"and "October" and under the Oct. 17th program click on the pictures to see some of Al’s photographs from his presentation.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


for printing the Grapevine's Special Edition.

There are families on Blossom Hill and 1/2 of Beechtree that still have not received their newsletters. I should be around tomorrow to put them in the mailbox.

Saturday, September 24, 2005